Thursday, June 7, 2007

Workshops / Talleres

Program category:
Multicultural- Other Performing Arts-

Storytelling, Dance, Music.

Program length:
Differents options, depending the program:
30 min,
60 min,
3 sesions each/1 hour.

Audience level:
All ages
(grups by ages)
Audience size:
25 per group (or to consider)

Program description:

El gusano verde:

The Green Inchworm. (Karla Florez, 2005).
It tells a story of a green inchworm that feeds himself from the leaves of the African Palm tree. In his daily search for food the Green Inchworm dance and play a traditional rhythm from Colombia named "Tambora". Exalts the value of friendships and communal support. Stress the importance of leaving in harmony with the enviroment.The story of this children book is inspired in a traditional Barranquilla's Carnival dance.

La pobre viejecita:

Rafael Pombo's fables (Colombia 1833).

This is a must-read or hear story about a little old woman. This the story of an old woman who use to cry because she didn't have anything in life. What it wasn't true. This is an example of people who has material belongins but still feel they are missing something.

La cucarachita Martinez en NY:

Latinamerican popular fable.

Adaptation by Karla Florez. It tells about the trip a cockroach coming form a little town in Colombia makes to NY. The story exalts human values and the importance of reading as well as experiences commonly share by inmimgrants in NY.

La luz es como el agua:

Un cuento de Gabriel Garcia Márquez .

Adaptado para ser narrado en teatro en miniatura, por Karla Florez.

Narra el sueño de dos niños que querian navegar y bucear. Ellos vivian con sus padres, en una ciudad mediterránea donde no había actividades marinas, pero con su imaginación transformaban la luz en agua. (Spanish)

Program structure:
Music, storytelling and dance.

Handcraft or Face Painting.

Interactive workshops, which combines dance, music and language arts.

The structure gives the audience an opportunity to participate in one or more of this activities: making costumes, playing music and dancing.

Participants will also be able to reinforce, learn and practice the Spanish language.

Themes works for Nature, Spanish language, Animal folktales, Ecology stories among others.
Space/special requirements:
Stage, Dance room or space enough for moving around.

(Proyector for the three session program.)
Program fee:
$150 30 min,
$200 60 min,
$550 Three sessions 1 hour
Is this fee negotiable?
Notes about the fee:
We are a Colombian nonprofit organization.

Our main goal is that you can experience our program at your place.
Other notes:
All prices include materials for session.

Workshop Available in English and Spanish.
Regions this program can be performed in:
Anywhere in the world.
To see more information, pictures and events already done, visit my web sites at:

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