Thursday, April 30, 2009

UNESCO International School celebrates the DAY of the BOOK with "El gusano verde"

2009 EVENT The Green Inchworm written and interpreted by Karla Florez and Light is like Water (Adaptation to Dance and Storytelling from Gabriel Garcia Marquez,s Stories) Students from UNIS in Queens enjoyed Ms. Florez performances. Her performances are focused in Teaching Spanish Through the Art. Folk Dance and Music from Colombia play an essential roll in her performances. Grades from 1st to 8th were participating actively in this event. By celebrating the day of the Book, April 23rd, and the day of the Dance, April 29th, Students are able to learn about traditions and cultures through body movements and music that inspires them to communicate in other languages. (In this picture: Ms. Villanueva, Ms. Alonso, Ms. Florez, Mr. Olaya)